At Real Life Church we love to worship Jesus! We believe true worship happens in Spirit and in Truth and gathering together in corporate times of worship is an important part of our Sunday meetings. Whether there is a full band, or simply one person on a guitar, our desire is to give glory to God, lift His name high and help His people enter into His presence. We highly prioritise the work of the Holy Spirit and give space every week to listen to the voice of God; we make sure the prophetic shapes our worship times together, as well as the music.
Phil leads the Worship Team at Real Life. She has been involved in worship bands since she was 16 and she just loves the privilege of helping our people meet Jesus through worship. She also loves Cornish beaches, a good book with a glass of wine and all things Christmas!
Music has always been the medium through which I most connect with Jesus. I feel like His worship is just in me and has been as far back as I can remember. Something in me comes alive whenever I am worshipping Jesus, whether in large corporate gatherings, or on my own at my piano. Getting to worship with our people is such an incredible privilege and seeing people fall in awe at the feet of Jesus or just burst with joy when they realise who He is and what He’s done is something I know I will never get tired of. Jesus has done everything for me, so just getting to offer Him a little bit of gratitude back in sacrificial praise is a total joy.”
Dan has been leading worship since he was a teenager and just loves to use his musical gifts to lift up the name of Jesus! He also loves good quality food, proper coffee and sci-fi tv/movies.
“John Piper says that “the chief end of man is to enjoy God by enjoying him forever” (adapted from the Westminster shorter catechism). It’s an honour to help lead the church in corporate worship because when we gather together as his people, we remind ourselves through singing and the word of how amazing our God is, and all he has done through Jesus - so that we have the privilege and wonder of being welcomed into the presence of the Almighty, beholding His glory and enjoying being together with Him. Corporate worship is not just a spiritual experience, but involves our intellect and bodies as we encounter him and encourage each other through spiritual gifts to pursue him together. God is so good.”
Ro is a fearless worshipper who loves to help people encounter the presence of God! She also loves being outdoors - on the sea, by the sea or in the sea, warm sunshine on her skin and adventures with her family.
“It is an absolute honour and privilege to help lead the people of God into His presence. When we recognise and celebrate who He is and what He has done for us our only response can be to worship. Whether it’s singing songs loudly or standing still in awe, we can trust that God meets us when we lift His name high. Psalms 100:4 says “Come into his city with songs of thanksgiving and into his courtyards with songs of praise. Thank him and praise his name.“ We literally get to be in the presence of the maker of heaven and earth. And the way to do that is with a thankful heart. The One who flung stars into space and made the planets also intricately formed us in the womb and knows every hair on our heads! Wow! How can we not be thankful?! Worship is such an amazing joy!”
Matt has been playing in worship bands and leading worship for over twenty years and he brings such joy and enthusiasm when he leads. He loves playing music & singing, exploring the great and adventurous outdoors by foot or bike, cooking delicious food and a good single malt!
“Our God is so generous in His love, grace, mercy, compassion, creation... I love to help our church come boldly into His presence and celebrate His majesty together! Through worship we can express our gratitude, learn more about Him and have powerful encounters with Him. It is a privilege to lead people to this beautiful place and it is lots of fun being creative along the way!”
Sarah has a real heart for Jesus and loves to help point others to Him through worship! She also loves a good book, a bubble bath and quality time with good friends.
“As a worship leader, I love having the opportunity to encounter Jesus, point others towards him and help others to discover the joy that comes with worshipping Him. Worship has always been the place where I have gone deeper with Jesus and I love being able to use the creative gifting He has placed within me to help others do the same. There’s a saying in leadership that goes “you can’t lead people to places you’ve never been yourself” and I wholeheartedly believe this is true, that our worship is only authentic when we make time to go there on our own, just us and Jesus, first.”